Enroll preferably on thursday, Very latest by 9AM on friday.
Rules for number of Courts reserved, 1IN-> NO Game, 2-3IN->1, 4-5IN 2, 6 or more IN->3, if available
When you pay YOU will fill in number of courts you paid AND all other participants with x.
Preferable the player should be the one that has biggests "maksusuhde" which is #played games/#paid fields.
Payments 2024-2025 link below

Laji Sulkapallo
Kotipaikka <ei asetettu>
Jäseniä 13 (Pelaajalista)
Jukka, profiilikuva

Loki is playing last time with us before leaving back home

Jukka, profiilikuva

I start to reserve by default 2 courts again. As before I will check actual enrollments on thursday evening against number of courts. If only three enrolments I will cancel one court. This is more fair to Vehkacenter as they will still have possibility to get another booking.
Let's see how this will work

Lue loput viestit


Yhteyshenkilö: Jukka Turpeinen, jukka.turpeinen@kone.com,