Jukka, profiilikuva

4IN, #3&#4 resrved

Jukka, profiilikuva

Argh! I have reserved court #3 for next friday. At least today it seems 2,4,6,7,8 or 9 are not available. 1 would be but that is so low that it changes how you can play.
Currently we are 3 IN and I tried to get also Jori in for the first time and possibly Sebastian will also join. Let's see how we solve our positive challenge

Jukka, profiilikuva

4IN and possibly also Sebastian. Court #3 and #1 reserved, could not get anything else. We also have new player coming to test our limits

Jukka, profiilikuva

Anyone prepared to save me next friday? Currently case is that It will be me and Joonas only. That will be super demanding for me. I'm not monitoring heart rate or other physical measurements but I'm quite convinced it will be max out on everything if no one else is joining

Jukka, profiilikuva
Jukka ilmoittautui in

4IN so 2 courts reserved

Jukka, profiilikuva

anyone else planning to join this week? Now 3 IN.